Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A moment of accepted science for Mars Rover Spirit

Nasa lost contact with Mars Rover Spirit, one of two rovers currently serving on mars as exploratory science drones, in march of 2010. Earlier today Nasa stopped listening for the signal to tune back in from Spirit, giving her body to the sands of mars. The cause of death, is unknown but not unexpected.

Private tourism goes Circumlunar as soon as 2015

That is thanks to Space Adventures, a company you may remember from April of 2001, Space Adventures hosted then the first private space tourist visitation to the International Space Station. According to this article Space Adventures has sold one of two 100 Million to 150 Million dollar tickets aboard the first circumlunar voyage, including a lengthy stay on the ISS, and a 7 day voyage around the earth and moon coming as close as 100 km to the lunar surface. Before a return trip lasting three and a half days that is. So who will buy this lucky open seat? And more importantly what does this bold initiative mean for fringe business heads like Elon Musk, and Sir Richard Branson? Hopefully a lot.

Monday, May 23, 2011

New take on things.

My laptops dead, life is weird yadda yadda. Point is I don't have time to structure my posts or make them as frequently as I did. So I am going to make unregular short posts when I get the inspirations. (Subject to later -more sober- editing of course, make sure I'm citing and giving links instead of just babbling. However if I may give a bit of Babble.

Check this out
first of all; read the article of course it's nice. But The last, or in the item numbers next to last photo is an artistic representation of a Jupiter size planet in an extreme elliptical. It really got my gears spinning and I thought sharing would be in good order. Also I forgive for the link being to the christian science monitor, it just happened to be what I stumbled into.

Epsilon Eridani. That'd be an interesting system to see. A Jupiter mass planet with satellites that gets as near Epsilon Eridani, it's sun as earth is from our sun, and as far from it's sun as Jupiter is from ours. 10.5 ly from earth. I really like reading the things that are being found in the Kepler and Wise and SWEEPS data. I think sending probes would be a neat way to test experimental engines and make a few jobs. If you want to make an omelet. You've got to break eggs.