Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3/23/2010 Observations from the news

Good Morning Interweb,

Delving into the World Wide Web this early morning (late evening... let's be honest) I have fished up a few neat articles for you to chew on. Don't forget to check the ticker up top for what I might have passed up! Be sure and let me know if I seem obvlious. (I'm testing you all for worth.) hah not really... well ok maybe, but it's a graduated scale.

What we have here tonight are the premier test run of Virgin Galactic's Space Ship Two, dubbed 'VSS Enterprise', Stunning results on observations of the so called 'dark flow' indicating Gravity wells 'outside' of the perceivable universe, possible developments in the ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicles, and a nanotechnology breakthrough that could mean a revolution in non-toxic cancer treatment.


Virgin Galactic launches a 2hr 54minute 'Captive Carry' test of the VSS Enterprise at an altitude of 45,000 feet, 5000ft short of the international space boundary. This is the first of many saftey runs which Branson indicates will come in three stages a 'Captive Carry' which will involve the VSS Enterprise testing aeronautics, and onboard systems. After sufficient testing the vessel will go through unpowered glide tests, followed by final powered flight tests. The VSS Enterprise and it's ilk should be ready by 2011 or 2012 or provide tourist a spectacular view worth the $200,000 ticket. Suspected to pay off the company's startup within it's first four years Virgin Galactic has already collected over $45Million dollars in Deposits for flights on the Space Ship. The ship itself seats six comfortably with room to enjoy an unseated weightless experience during the flights. I mentioned Virgin Galactic in my previous posts as holding a 1.6Billion dollar NASA contract, which in my estimation will only further their industry into the realm of orbital Earth flight, and possibly bring them (and us) closer to the reality of private lunar structures.


The National Geographic reports that the supposed 'dark flow' stretching beyond the boundaries of the known universe indeed has a larger influence than previously though. Extending from 2.5 Billion light years from Earth, and our system a flow of hundreds of Galaxy Clusters appear to be moving at sppeds of 2.2 million miles or 3.6 Million Kilometers an hour, in the same direction due to the percieved influence of a gravitational force beyond the Cosmic X-ray Background. The known boundary of our universe. The solidification of this discovery says alot towards the acceptance of our universe being part of a larger multi-verse environment. The questions that remain are what exactly does exist beyond where we can perceive? Were these things even related to our own universes creation and expansion? or do they somehow tie into our origins. Perhaps we shall see as the mystery of our origins seem to become less and less of a mystery by the day.


The construction of Europes Third Automated Transfer Vehicle is to be named after Italian space pioneer Edoardo Amaldi, who worked with Enrico Fermi with a group of other scientist for the discovery of slow neutrons. The ATV is named such in honor of Italy's participation in the unified European efforts concerning the ISS. Future adaptations of their ATVs hope to fit the vehicles for reentry allowing for return trips approximately every 17 months, with the capacity to carry 6.6 metric tons of cargo. The heightening of Europes participation in the industrialization and exploration of space is certainly a welcome idea, and I for one would feel odd without a european influence on such a extra-global frontier.


A process showing favorable results on animal testing, and in limited human testing has shown the ability to turn off the genes allowing cancer to grow. Nanoscale machines covered in a protein called transferrin enter into the blood stream, target cancerous cells and begin to break down the tumor cells and deactivate the gene responsible for their growth. This could prove an effective and non-toxic method for treating cancer. Testing however is in the early stages. The nanoparticles used in this method are called small interfering RNA, which through a process known as 'RNA intererence' literally go in and eliminate only the target problem protein strands.

That's no where near the cusp of what news today brings with it, but it's the cream of the crop as I've read. if you have any comments on the articles I've linked too, or any other movements in the realm of astronomy, science, or even politics feel free to comment. As always happy surfing and dream of distant worlds.


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