Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New TV, and old job hunting strategies

Alright everyone what do you want to hear about first? Breaking Bad Season 4 being on Netflix, and how awesome that is? Harry's Law and how it was an awesome show that I feel deserves a third season? Firefly and how it's green lit for a fresh start on the Science channel? or how I think I may have landed my job that will let me finish up my local debts, and move to Cincinnati in less time than expected?

Well, guess what?!? I'm in the Post editor now and couldn't hear you if you did comment first of everyone! SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We'll start with the new job. Because I have the least to say about it out of professional courtesy. So what can I say? I think I have one, and that's pretty damn spiffy. My last day at the Big-Box store I was formerly employed at was Sunday -two days ago-. It happened right after the bill paying and rent paying check... Righteous I know. But leaving me in Kentucky with still at least one more set of bills to pay and no revenue. So I plug and plug and plug my resume, finally I get a bite. Hopefully this works out and I can afford to get moved in and find maybe a second source of income, or find the time to find a way to make money for myself. As I seem to keep realizing is the only way out of this sick and twisted Proletariat maze. The first week of August, my Sister comes in from the Caribbean and we settle the last of some personal family legal such and stuff. Afterwards I'll have enough cash to move regardless, but it's nice to know I should be able to pay the bills after that. I cannot express how much I am excited to move to Cincinnati. Living here in Kentucky I feel like I'm just waiting until I'm too old to enjoy my life. FUCK That noise. So now that I've got my minute to vent... let's move on to TV talk. (I know, I'm getting less Science, and Politics, and more whatever the hell I want to write about... but that's how it's going to be some days. Eventually I'd like to layout my days by topics... then I'd have more compressed and satisfying streams of data to feed you all... but first I need to talk about whatever and hope I just generate some more viewers in the first place.

Breaking Bad Season 4, on Netflix.

This sentence... or title-like phrase. is the single reason I've brought my back up comforter out to the couch today... and yesterday... and the night before that. I couldn't recall where I left off watching illegally posted episodes of Season 4 online (Come on, who has Cable? it's not the 90's anymore.) So I did what any reasonably lazy pirate (who likely does not do anything.) would do.. I watched it non-stop forever and ever. Until just now when I queued up Vampire Weekend on Spotify to listen to while I blog and drink soup out of a mug. I feel that Breaking Bad, is doing write what so many 'modern' hits have done wrong before it. Mainly  by these 'hits' I mean 'lost' and by modern I mean 'excluding this, things that J.J.Abrams has done' Because Mr. Abrams didn't have a hand in Breaking Bad, and for this I'm glad. Lost was a break show when it came out, and it like wise used temporally odd narrative techniques to keep the viewers intrigued and on the edge of their seat as much as possible.. but what did they do that I despise so much? They (obviously, and contrary to what they said.) did not either have to stick to a final script or outline. Lost followed the online community too closely, and did everything they wanted. I can attest as a former Lost Soul- so to speak I was there on the blogs, and their official website. I even got correspondence from Jorge who was one of my favorite cast members a couple of times.  In the end however, they became a bone for the audience to chase after, and not at all the ripening story we wanted to follow. Breaking Bad however, Breaks it down real good. Everything is so well metered, the pacing never waivers. They don't have fill nothing, bullshit air-eater scenes like LOST did, Episodes are never pure re-itteration. This Show knew from the start, when and how, and where it would end I feel. All press releases be damned. That's what I have to say about Breaking Bad -No Spoilers included. You can thank me later.

Harry's Law, which is hard to find anywhere except WatchTV247.info if I remember my link correctly. I don't want to do a full link, because then the Bad guys will take my favorite show away. But I started watching this after I googled for shows that take place in Cincinnati before my big move. I found this and a show 30 years old about working in a radio station. Law show wins. Kathy Bates, and a slew of other familiar faces practice law in a shoe store in near-down-town cinci. It's a great contemporary and topical show that sadly only got two seasons. It's listed on Sidereel as concluded, but I really want a third season. I recommend this show will all my heart and soul... well all of someone who has a substantial amount of either's... But that's another story. This show from the bat deals with the decriminalization of drugs, the basis of the prison industrial system being a criminal mill that turns first time offenders into career criminals by killing all hopes for an educational future, and from there goes to such extremes as to question the legality of domestic drone surveillance. All of this while showing that you can be a republican without being what we see on TV. (which I'm not advocating anyone be a republican, don't get me wrong. I think the show does it as a contrast thing.) Long story short. I recommend it.

Lastly all I have to say about firefly's reboot is in this link! here you go! and good day!
... what's this!!! no link!!! just a rumour!!! Damn God to Hell!

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