Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wine and Espresso in the morning.

Bleh... With this kind of sleep schedule I should live on a farm. LoL. I've decided though, with all this time to think. I am passionate about Space Science, but all of my previous education experience is setup to transition to a humanities based end game such as law. And I am passionate about that too. Perhaps with increasing my earning potential instead of throwing all my college so far to scrap and following my dreams... I can one day have a job that allows me to earn enough to invest in my other passions. Sometimes you gotta call your talents where they lay, and your heart where it lays too. Bah what's it matter anyways right now. I've still got a few grand in financial aide to pay off, or at least into the good before I start back to classes... though that could be sooner than later, could also be later than sooner.

So it looks like I'm going to stay on this blog as a lay-scientist, perhaps my interest in law can provide some relevance to issues. Hell I'm an interested self-declared genius one way or the other. I prefer it one way, perhaps it works out the other but like I've said I guess it doesn't matter in the end. I am however still going to proceed with my innovations firm, which plans to work heavily with a new era of space based business.

I'll be moving to the Cincinnati area in a month and a half, at the most two months. This largely depends on getting a job there, or not being able to get a job here haha! But I go to tour apartments while visiting my old roommates, for their birthday. Live in girlfriend of other fellow Blogger Comic Chaos, who I will retain some anonymity for out of respect for the grand ol' internet. But I'll get to see those apartments on the 26th at 9:30am I'm excited. Craigslist should help me find a job. that's the plan anyhow.  

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